“does it always rain on monday?” gratitude

i am grateful for:

1) home. couch-working. pasta-for-lunch-that-i-whipped-up-myself-ing.

2) supportive friends offering cheers for luminous!

3) a plan b taking shape.

4) a new, light yoga mat that might not smell. is it possible to get an olfactorily silent mat? why do the non-toxic ones smell worse than the “toxic” ones? why are all the non-toxic ones slippery-ish, and ones that are toxic grippy? how toxic are the toxic ones? does it matter? is it more important to grip my warrior than to inhale some bpa crap? why doesn’t the jumbo manduka mat come in any colors besides black? why would you want to practice on a black mat? to pretend you’re in an asphalt playground, circa 1980? or because you’re a goth yogi? why can’t i custom order my mat yet–no stink, non-toxic, sticky as fly tape, light-weight yet cushy, and purple, please? and those are my yoga mat questions. for the moment.

5) pesto, made with the last of the season’s basil.

6) my hair. it’s hit the magic nipple length, just like the hairstylist at that yoga event recommended two years ago. now what? now, i think i want bangs again.

7) writing. i avoid it, but i love it fierce, fierce, fierce. it lets me know who i am, where i’ve been and where i might be going–hence, the avoiding. it’s also just fun when it flies. the best kind of fun ever.

8) lavender. i’m feeling this color so hardcore now. b. said to me this morning, “ah, you’re working on the sofa and all in lavender. this is good.” (i thought to correct him that actually i’m wearing magenta and royal purple, but that’s ok. the essence was perfect. and maybe he meant my toenails. or my aura.)

9) a man who listens. to my whinging. to my heart. good.

10) fluffy animal pictures.