kripalu catalog gratitude

i’m honored to have my latest essay featured in kripalu’s catalog. it’s the place where i got started in yoga, gulp, almost 20 years ago. still in college, i arrived as a pink-haired lost girl totally not in touch with my body. the place was a miracle for me, opening me to loving community, connecting my body to breath, and helping me find new ways to ride the waves of my emotional self. hallelujah.

thank you, kripalu.

this article, which you can read by clicking to enlarge it (or grab a copy at most health food stores or yoga studios), is about a recent workshop i took there on living well after surviving cancer. i write about my friend dara who died earlier this year, grappling with what it means to be a survivor, and learning to go a little gentler on myself.

1 Comment

I finally found the moment I had been looking for to read this- I guess it takes you going away and the loss of your emails to drive me to your blog.

And what a piece it is! Some of your best sentences grace the pages of this “catalog”. “Writing for me” clearly allows you to express the complexity of dealing with illness, death and connecting with those around you- all with a great sprinkling of Valerie humor.

I am smiling.

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